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What We Do

ATOM FUTURES offers revolutionised approaches to cultural analysis and its bespoke application to brand activism and brand strategy.   


Based in London UK, we work with an international network of researchers, artists and futures experts. Using methodologies such as semiotics, cultural analysis and foresight, we generate cultural insights, spot emerging trends and imagine futures. We use these to help leading brands and organisations build innovative and creative brand strategies and curate activations with an activism focus.  


Through our existing and previous collaborations with artists, cultural leaders, not-for-profits and brands, we are on a mission to build more equitable and sustainable futures globally. Join us in shaping and inspiring those possible futures.  

More About The Co-Founders

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Alexandra Ncube is the Co-Founder, CEO and Chief Curator at ATOM FUTURES. With expertise in semiotics, cultural analysis and brand strategy, she guides brands, organisations and people in answering future-facing questions, building brand strategies and curating bespoke marketing activations. She has previously worked both agency-side and in-house to generate future-facing insights and strategies for many major brands.

Alexandra’s long-held interest in the arts has seen her curate the “Post Code Exhibition” and activations at contemporary gallery space, Craft Central. She collaborates with artists from film to fashion, imagining possible futures through the arts, design and technology, and is the co-creator of the ATOM Tarot.

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Aura Freeman Co-Founded ATOM FUTURES with Alexandra Ncube in 2021. With expertise in campaigning, advocacy and research, she supports brands and organisations in designing and implementing global social and policy change strategies and campaigns using a future-facing lens. She has previously worked within leading international charities and global institutions.

As an artist, Aura’s portfolio includes several collections of original paintings and works using different mediums around the themes of nature, gender, sexuality and the dream state. Her background in human rights, animal welfare and environmental protection strongly influence her work. She is the co-creator and artist behind the ATOM Tarot.

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Brand Activism: The Future of Brand Strategy 

ATOM FUTURES believes that it is incumbent, not just on governments, but on brands to take the lead in rebuilding an equal, healthy and sustainable society. Growing evidence suggests that consumers believe the same. Brands will be increasingly expected to go beyond fulfilling corporate social responsibility and ESG commitments, and actively take a public stand on global issues of concern. In other words, they must become activists who undertake and support bold action to bring about profound social impact and systemic change.  


For brands to become effective activists in the future, they will need a nuanced and strategic understanding of culture, the environment, emerging trends and activism in a global context. Brands will have to think carefully about creating an authentic activist profile in line with their brand values, supporting and collaborating with other activist voices, and inspiring consumers across demographics and geographies.


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